Patricia Gatto-Walden, Ph.D., is a nationally recognized licensed psychologist, who has provided counseling services to over a thousand moderately, highly and profoundly gifted children, adolescents, adults and families for decades. It is her belief that home life, education, and counseling of the gifted must attend to the integration and enhancement of the whole self—intellect, emotions, physical, spiritual/ethical/moral and social self—in order to attain contentment and balance in everyday life.
In her adjunct gifted educational consulting practice, she has specialized in three areas: 1) parent, educator and administrative coaching to promote students’ academic and personal well-being; 2) professional in-service workshops on staff and gifted program development; and 3) presentations and dialogue with gifted students to help them understand their intrinsic complexities and intensities. In these capacities, Dr. Patty has helped students, parents, educators, and administrators understand and respond to the multifaceted inner world, needs, and concerns of gifted children in order to support their academic and personal confidence, scholastic satisfaction, and holistic well-being.
Her foundational book, Embracing the Whole Gifted Self, 2016, gives voice to the everyday experience of being gifted. Dr. Patty is a keynote and featured speaker at international, national and state gifted conferences, and is a two-term past Chair of Global Awareness Network for the National Association for Gifted Children. She was honored by the SENG organization (Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted) at the 2016 national conference with the Clinician of the Year Award. Dr. Patty is a Senior Fellow for the Institute of Educational Advancement (IEA), where she was recently honored for 20-years of service to IEA and gifted programming. She is a co-founder of Yunasa, the holistic summer camp for highly gifted youth.
Dr. Patty’s corporate consulting practice addresses both individual and group needs, desires and concerns. She integrates a holistic perspective to improve personal self-esteem, satisfaction and accomplishment with a group development paradigm to promote employee engagement, professional collaboration, respect and achievement of objectives and goals. She is an inspirational speaker at business events and workshops nationally.
Dr. Patty provides out-of-state telehealth counseling services for individuals, couples, parents, and families regarding personal and gifted issues. Please refer to counseling services for detailed information on Dr. Patty’s counseling orientation and focus with gifted clientele.
She has Counseling offices in the Denver metro area, and Educational and Corporate Consulting offices in the First Coast and Palm Beaches of Florida.

Patricia Gatto-Walden, Ph.D.